Sunday, October 4, 2009

Birthday Weekend

I had a wonderful birthday weekend celebrating with Cari and Judi! Friday night Adam made a yummy dinner including stuffed mushrooms, a mushroom medley(one of my favorites) and a delicious steak and green bean stir fry! Our friends Tom and Lisa joined Judi, Adam and I for a great start to the weekend. On Saturday, my friend Cari drove up from STL. We (Cari, Judi and I) enjoyed a pedicure and some shopping before joining Adam for a delicious dinner out! The baby was quiet most of the weekend, but after a late night surprise of German Chocolate Cake, thanks ladies, the baby started kicking away:) Today, Adam and I went to the Colts game and cheered on a win, the baby liked that too as he/she kicked away!

We have a busy week ahead as we prepare for our upcoming neurosurgeon appt. on Friday morning. Our wonderful parents are driving in town to join us for this appt. so I will be sure to update everyone next weekend. We continue to feel blessed and are trying to maintain a positive outlook for our baby. December will be here before we know it! Now if we could only decide on a name!!!! Right now we have a couple in mind, so let us know what you think if you want:) For a boy we have Nicholas Theodore as the top choice right now, I like Noah, but Adam isn't as big of a fan. He likes Garrett, I'm not sure about that either! As for a girl, I think we are fairly settled on Olivia Elizabeth, but again this could change too! I need to start making a list of names, but never seem to have the time!

I'm posting some pictures of this past weekend. I can't believe I"m already 7 months along! Wow!! As always, thank you for all your positive thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Isn't naming a child difficult?! I love both of your names. Very nice. We actually had Alivia (with an A instead of an we could do Allie or Livi) on our list, too. It just recently got bumped and Kate and Alleice moved to the top. I think it makes it harder when you're a teacher. The "black list" of names is a little longer than for people in other professions.

Maybe after both of the babies arrive we can make the trip over to visit you! We had talked about coming over this summer on a mini trip to see my brother and you guys at the end of July, but didn't make it. Could be a nice weekend trip February-ish though.

Praying for you guys and Baby Burns. Blessings come in weird ways sometimes...and rough times make the sweet times even sweeter.

Love, The Kutschers